Saturday, May 19, 2012

Musings on 1 Peter (5:6-7)

6-7: The call is to humility. The whole Christian life is a call to humility. It really is the only valid response we as creatures have before us. We have been given absolutely everything, even down to the hairs on our head to keep us warm. And yet, in our fallen pride, we have grown to feel entitled to all our stuff. We have come to think, simply from the simple presence of everything that somehow we have a right to it. And so when disappointment ensues when we are deprived, we throw a fit. Where are my rights, we cry. Why is this happening to me, we rant. I don't deserve this, we declare. How can we be so blind? Where is it written that all this actually, in the final analysis belongs to me? Where do I get off saying that I have earned any of it? Did I give myself breath? Did I cause my limbs to grow and strengthen? Can I truly take credit for any possession? Even the things I buy. Where did I get the money? Where did I get my job? Who enabled me to work and earn a wage? We are again presented with the either/or. Either God is sovereign over every last thing, like my getting my job, or He is sovereign over nothing. We cannot acknowledge Him on Sundays, and accept His sovereign rule over abstract, spiritual things, like salvation from a rather remote and unseen lake of fire, only to take back the reigns on Monday, assuming that we have the right to our time in the drivers seat. How often do we give thanks for grace and mercy, but then take credit for all that we have accomplished, such as the petty successes we have? Do we not accept all things from the hand of the Lord, Job asks?

No. In every area of our life we fall into pride. We take credit for absolutely everything. And just the opposite is true. All things are gift. Every minute is a gift. Every bite of food, every job that is obtained, every song downloaded from iTunes, everything is gift. How often do we thank God for the air we breath? How often do we thank Him for the involuntary muscles that keep our lungs pulsing, drawing the air into our bodies? How often do we thank Him for the blood cells that carry oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our body allowing us to function and do things without thinking about breathing? We are creatures. We have been created. Just because we are the product of our parents does not mean God did not create us. As creatures we owe everything to our Creator. When you sculpt something out of clay, do you expect that clay do anything, or be anything apart from what you designed it for? God is God. We are not. Be humble therefore. Know your place. Realize that in the grand scheme of time and the universe, your 80 years are as substantial as mist in the wind.

But the incredible thing about the Gospel is that though we be nothing, we have been exalted in Christ. We loathsome sinners, breakers of the law, literal pieces of dirt, have been created and fashioned for glory. Real substantial glory too. Peter knows what is coming. Perhaps because he was given a glimpse of the Transfigured Son of Man. He knows, at least dimly, the glory that is waiting. So be patient he tells us. Wait on the Lord. He who is humble the Lord exalts. The one who understands his place in this world, that is the one whom the Lord can use. In His perfect time He will lift you up.

There are two types of pride that we easily fall into. The first is the obvious one, the arrogant self-worshipper. Their pride will be their fall. But the other side is not as obvious. The other form pride takes looks like humility, from a distance at least. These folks know their place in this world, they know they are dirt, they know they are miserable creatures. In fact they know it so well they cant stop talking about it. Everything is "woe is me". And everyone is sure to hear about it. It is still pride though. It still looks to self as the center of the universe, even though its rotten to the core. Humility is so much easier. Humility simply accepts the gifts God has given, and accepts the ones He hasn't. Humility looks outward, while pride looks in. Humility sees the loving hand of the Father. Pride sees the empty hand of self.

But again, God exalts those who humble themselves before Him. And this is the remarkable thing. This is the point at which the Gospel goes crazy. He does so because He cares for us. Us. The very piece of dirt that took the gifts He gave and used them to spit in His face. Us. The very ones who received every gift of life and prosperity and used it to try and convince ourselves that we really do sit on the throne of our lives. This wild God, exalting His own because He cares. He loves. He holds us as dear children. Therefore in your humility, acknowledge Him. He is the Author of your story. Trust Him. He is writing those hard parts that make you groan. Love Him. He is stoking the fire beneath you. Honor Him as God. He is scraping the dross off the top. Give Him thanks. This life is not easy. But it is our loving Father that makes it so. It is hard now, so that after death, when the real story starts, Life will be abundant. Therefore cast all your anxieties on Him. Be at peace knowing that He is in control of your life. All He wants from you is your trust. He'll take care of your sin, your finances, your relationships, your family. Just trust that He is God, and thank Him for it. Live all your days in that attitude, and He will lift you up in His proper time. Maybe that time will be next year, or in twenty years or maybe in glory. But His Word is true. He is faithful. He will surely do it.

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